Aryan mythology of Creation: from my writings in 2001
Mythology: Myth is one of the oldest known Aryan
words meaning "sign, enigma, mystery". It usually
refers to decoding stories on creation of the world and
Genesis of the human race according to different cultures
and races. This is one source of looking at events
that historical background does not exists for their
explanation. In todays Persian we have a word called "mysal",
meaning an enigmatic example.
History: This word has also roots in Indo-European languages. Aryans word
"Ostoreh" means "story", and in Buddism it is called Sutra.
It entered the Greek language as "Historia" which
means to search, in French Histoire and in English
these were some examples of how influential the Aryan
languaages have been on global languages of
Now, the Aryan Ostoreh of Apharinesh [Aryan word =
Creation is the biggest enigma facing humanity. Aryans
believed that creation was the result of struggle between
two existing forces & energies in the universe. The
force of light and the force of darkenss.
Shapur the Great, the Aryan king of Achamenian dynasty, has left us
a valuable engraving on mountain stones, that reads
as follows:
"...In the universe, there are two forces of the same origin.
Although their constructive behaviours are equal, they are opposing each other...each
wants to destry the other...Our world (Giti) is
based upon these two forces, and they exist in
everything, alive or without life, in our world.There is
nothing in this world void of these forces, there for,
what ever there is continues to be pulled between
these two forces...As a result and example, moon turns
around earth but never falls on it. Although earth pulls
moons towards itself, moon is constantly running away
and resisting, and the same is true with earth
turning around the sun..." [keep in mind that these
writtings are some 2000 years old].
One of these forces is Ahura Mazda [read: A hu ra mazd a], or Hur Mazd
(the actuall Hormoz in Persian). The force of light
and the creator of life . The creator of goodness
that has his spirit "hu" in every living thing. It is
interesting that achievers of good deeds are called "hereo"
and they are "hail" and "hurray"[ hu ra in Persian]
is our reaction to their deeds .
The other is Ahreeman [read: Ah ree man]. The force of darkness and the
creator of death. He is the creator of all that is
considered bad and ugly. "Ah" is the natural reaction of man
to all that comes from this force.
"Hu man" is a reflection of these two forces in a living being. So, human
beings possess these two forces. "Hu" or the spirit of
goodness and "man"[ derived from the Aryan word "Manesh"
meaning 'character ' in Aryan] that comes from the
spirit. Although many scholars of Aryan religions and
languages disagee with the above formation, consider Hu
Man derived from Hu Manesh [good character].
The Suffis name for God is "ya hu". "Ya Hu Din" [Aryan word
for the Jews, meaning God calling religion] call
their God "Yahuve" or the latin "jeshoa". ...
before I recite the story of creation, let me mention
the meaning of the names of the two Aryan
The Latin Zoroaster, the Persian Zartosht is derived
from Aryan words "Zar atash" meaning Golden
Buddha, the Indian prophets name simply means what there was, what use to be. The
prophet reminded the people of what their culture use to
Aryans did not consider themselves the descendents of Adam & Eve. The myth of Adam
and Eve probably started much later than the Aryan
myth. Aryans considered themselves the descendents of
the first created man, named "Q mars". I like to
spell it as such. Q mars. Although British and French
scholars have spelled it differently. In Latin, he is
called Geomarth [Geo=earth, marth[mard in Persian,
meaning man], Persian pronounce him as Kiumars. The
Indians call him Gavmard [Cow man]. Some scholars of
Aryna mythology believe that Qmars was an "Abar mard"
[superman], as Aryans believed, Q mars boday was created out
of 7 minerals and metals: Gold, silver, Iron, Zinc,
copper and "poolad" [steel]. Were the Aryans of some
10,000 years ago familiar with these metals?
Well, bearing in mind that they entered the Iranian plateau on
chariots, we could say that they were among the 1st people
to use wheels. They were great architects and
constructed flat roads for their chariots to ride on. Bow and
arrow was their main weapon. They used perfumed oils to
burn candles during the night, and were considered
fire-worshippers by their neighbors. No, wonder. We are refering
to a period that the British lived in cages and most
of Europe was still experiencing little
civilization. China and Egypt were building their civilizations
during the same period. The interesting fact in common
is that all 3 mentioned civilizations payed great
tribute to the Sun, the "Golden Fire".
To create Q Mars, earth, wind. fire and
water [fire, water, earth & wind accrding to Aryan
priority] were mixed to create his seed. "Q mars was
created to shine like the sun" say Aryans in their myhts.
"And two seeds of fire instead of water were given to
Q mars and Gav [cow]". Here we have to refer to
life on earth before q mars.
According to the Aryans, "hu" has a eternal struggle against "ah". An
eternal struggle between light & darkness, good & bad,
positive & negative, and it is this duality that has
created our universe. "hu" was able to create a ball of
fire that shone light on the universe and put "ah" to
sleep for 5,000 years (or 5 days). During this period
"hu" created :
1st, the period called "Mayd Azaram
" [ creation of sky roof] :Sun, stars & galaxies
were created
2nd, Waters were created
3rd, earth was created
4th, life, plants and trees were created
5th, animals were created.then,"Hu manesh" was
created on the 6th. And, this, according to the Aryans,
is the ending period of Ahreeman's sleep, and this
is due to the commencement of "Ava" [sound, speech]
in the universe. Interestingly enough, the Aryans
have still kept the date of "Hu manesh" creation
alive. 21st of March, the 1st day of Spring for more
than 7,000 years is celebrated as the New Year. Aryans
were amazing astrologues...
Ahura Mazda prepared Q mars seed out of fire, water, earth & wind and
blow his "Far var din" [ the spirit of knowledge,
wisdom]into him. Opposite to modern man that is made out of
body & soul, Q mars was made of "tan" (body), Ravan
(spirit) & "Far var din" [the spirit of
The seed was placed in a plant named "huma". Many
scholars believe that "huma" was a bird, and they form the
majority. If "huma" was a bird, then the seed of Q mars was
given to a bird. But since Aryans also admired a plant
by the name of "hum" which they made a drink that
would take them to a trance, and even smoked the leaves
of it, my research suggests that "huma" was a plant
and not a bird. Q mars grows in a plant that receives
it's daily food supply from a "Guy Sepand" [white
ball] or modern Persian "Goosfand"
The history of creation of life in 7 days is an "import" into all other religions
from the Aryans. Hebrews were the first "importers" of
this myth, as witnessed in the "Thura" [the old
testament]. Just to plainly state the facts, "thura" is also
derived from "Ostore", equivqlent of "sur'e" in Islamic
Arabic, meaning myth.
One contradictiong point: Guy Sepand [white ball] in the Aryan myths is refered
to sheep, the first animal created by "hu". The
aryans believed that sheep helped enrich earth for the
growth of plants. and the "huma" plant was not an
exception. Q mars grow in a plant fed by a sheep. After his
birth, sheep took over nursing and nourishing Q mars,
keeping him alive. Is there any wonder then why Jesus
called himslef a "shepherd" and Christian clergy are
called "pastors"?...And interestingly enough, Moses,
Jesus and Mohamed were all sheherds too...any
The Arynas of the Indian sub-continent, although
mixed with local Brahmanis, imposed their culture on
the land. However, they believed that the animal
feeding Qmars [Guvmarth] was a Guv Sepand [white cow] and
not a Guy sepand [goosfand:sheep]. There is no way to
verify this, but the Hindus of today still uphold that
belief and have a sacred respect for cow in their
society. In the Greek myths, also, Zeus, the God of gods,
is shown as a white cow with golden horns.
It might also be interest to mention that the Aryan "huma"
is "suma" or "sumatra" in vadaye dialects in India,
also meaning the "moon".
However, during this time, Ahreeman was busy on his own. "Ah" created "Div"
or "Dev" to harrass and destroy Q mars [Dev as in
devil]. The duality of existance had to continue...As it
is the source of life...according to the
We can not feortell the future if we do not know our
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