۱۳۸۶ مهر ۷, شنبه

Let Me...

Let me have the will to believe and let me tolerate others' right to believe what they believe. Let me have sympathy with the beliefs of others and let me be charitable to them. Let me not scoff at what others hold holy. Let me not trifle with their feelings.

Let me patiently hear the arguments of the opposite side. Let me even go beyond my own point of view. Let me put myself in the place of him, with whose views I do not agree. Let me weigh his arguments. Let me understand his case. Let me find the truth and help my opponent to find his truth. It is the truth that matters. If I find the truth, let me not endeavor to force my truth upon others. Let me patiently and persuasively try to explain and convince him. Let time be the judge, when the right shall shine out as right and wrong shall come out as wrong.

Let it be an instinct with me to think and to reason before I act. Let me thoroughly incline my ears and listen to the words of wisdom from whatever source they come. Let me not like the cynic doubt everything and believe nothing. Let me always look to the bright and best side of things. Let me be free from the prejudice of caste, colour and creed. Let my sympathy extend to all mankind and embrace all.

Let me pierce the fog that may fill my mind. Let me not forget the debt I owe to the past. Yet let me discern the signs of the age I live in. Let me be in harmony with it. Let me remember that the world is surging with new life. Let not the unthinking and blind traditionalism retard and arrest my progress. Let me remember that socio-religious customs, outward forms of religion, formalism make not for godliness. When oppressive becomes the conflict between reason and faith, let me broad-mindedly see my way clear to accomplish what I seek. Guide me to be believer in spirit, ...

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