۱۳۸۶ مهر ۱۹, پنجشنبه

The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States,and the New World Order

The Other Side of Mirror
Who runs America

Did you ever hear of the Independent Treasury Act of 1921? No, you say.... Hmmmmmmm....?

"Just the Facts Ma'am"

Who Is Running America?

The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States,and the New World Order

Who is running America? Have you ever asked that question?

Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of the country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests.

Now you know who is running America!

You might want to take exception to the name on the marquee at the entrance to 55 Water Street. . . . "Tower of Power" . . . ???

The Independent Treasury Act of 1921 suspended the de jure (meaning "by right of legal establishment") Treasury Department of the United States government. U.S. Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve and their agents. The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen and the world, is held by these banking interests:

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

Thomas Jefferson once said:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Re-charter Of The Bank Bill,

Jefferson's prophesy has come true.

How did this happen? ......Hmmmmm..... Well, that is going to take a while to explain.

U.S. law is private law, written by The National Law Institute, Law Professors, and the Bar Association, the Agents of Foreign Banking interests. They have come to this position of writing the law by fraudulently deleting the "Titles of Nobility and Honor" Thirteenth Amendment from the Constitution for the United States, creating an oligarchy of Lawyers and Bankers controlling all three branches of U.S. government.

The Federal Register Act was created by Pres. Roosevelt in 1935. Title 3 sec. 301 et seq. by Executive Order. He gave himself the power to create federal agencies and appoint a head of the agency. He then re-delegated his authority to make law (statutory regulations) to those agency heads. One big problem there, the president has no constitutional authority to make law. Under the U.S. Constitution re-delegation of delegated authority is a felony breach.

The U.S. president then gave the agencies the authority to tax. We now have government by appointment running that country. This is the shadow government sometimes spoken about, but never referred to as government by appointment. This type of government represents taxation without representation.

Perhaps this is why some people believe the U.S. Constitution was suspended. It wasn't suspended, it was buried in bureaucratic red tape.

Now, it is a historical fact that with the Declaration of Independence, to provide a united effort during and after the War for Independence, the Colonies as independent nations joined together under the Articles of Confederation, and as Independent Sovereign States drew up constitutions which formed governments to serve the people of each former colony. The Articles of Confederation, after a
period of 11 years, were determined to have several flaws. The Congress of delegates called a Convention in 1787 to correct the flaws. The Convention, instead of modifying the Articles of Confederation as directed, in secret sessions took it upon themselves to write an entirely new Constitution, which when ratified by the State Conventions of the Freemen of the Individual States, created the Federal government to serve them in those areas where the States operating individually could not effectively serve. In this new Constitution the people and the States delegated to the Federal government certain responsibilities, reserving all rights not so enumerated to the States and to the People in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. As a consequence, the responsibility of the State became one of protecting the people from the tyranny of federal government, to insure that the federal government did not reach beyond the bounds of the Constitution. This worked fairly effectively, until 1933 when Roosevelt assumed office.

The Conference of Chief Justices, Conference of State Court Administrators, the National Associations of Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State and State Auditors, State Purchasing Offices, Lieutenant Governors, and State Legislators, and the Governors of the 50 states comprise the membership of the Council of State Governments. The Council of State Governments is located at 676 N. ST. Clair, Chicago, Illinois 60611.

The Council of State Governments has now been absorbed into the National Conference on Uniform State Laws run by the Bar Association.

The movement for uniform state laws dates back more than a century. The Alabama State Bar called for uniformity as early as 1881, but it was nearly a decade later, at the 12th annual meeting of the ABA in 1889, that the legal community made its formal motion to work for uniformity in the then 44 state union. New York was the first state to move, appointing three commissioners in 1890. Other states soon heeded the call: Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New
York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania attended the first Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, in 1892. The commissioners wasted no time. They urged adoption of three acts and proposed raising the marrying age to 18 for males and 16 for females. They also adopted a table of weights and measures, noting that with the exception of wheat, legal weights of a bushel varied in all the states.

By the turn of the century, 33 states and two territories had appointed commissioners on uniform laws. In 1910, only Nevada and the Territory of Alaska still had not; they came aboard in 1912.

What does that have to do with anything? Uniform Laws seem to be a good Idea.

Well now, that is a good question. Let us continue.....

An Expose On The Legal Fraud Perpetrated On All Americans


The concept of DEBTORS and CREDITORS is very important to understand.

In the U.S., every legal action where you are brought before the court: e.g. traffic ticket, property dispute or permits, income tax, credit cards, bank loans or anything else government might dream up to charge you where you find yourself in front of a court. It is an equity court, administrating commercial law having a debtor-creditor law as the controlling law. Today, U.S. has an equity court but not an
equity court as defined by the Constitution of the United States or any other legal documents before 1938.

All the courts of this once great land have been changed starting with the Supreme Court decision of 1938 in ERIE V. THOMPKINS. I'll give you background which led to this decision. There is a terrible FRAUD being perpetrated on all Americans. Please understand that this fraud is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, year after year continuous fraud. This fraud is constantly upon the American citizens all their life. It doesn't just happen once in a while. This fraud is perpetually and incessantly upon them and their family.


In order for you to understand just how this fraud works, you need to know the history of its inception.

It goes like this: From 1928 -1932 there were five years of Geneva conventions. The nations of the world met in Geneva Switzerland for 5 continuous years in order to set up what would be the policy of all the participating countries. During the year of 1930 the U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal etc. all declared bankruptcy. If you try to look up the 1930 minutes, you will not find
them because they don't publish this particular volume. If you try to find the 1930 volume which contains the minutes of what happened, you will probably not find it. This volume has been pulled out of circulation or is hidden in the library and is very hard to find. This volume contains the evidence of the bankruptcy.

Going into 1932, they stopped meeting in Geneva. In 1932 Franklin Roosevelt came into power as President of the United States. Roosevelt's job was to put into place and administer the bankruptcy that had been declared two years earlier. The corporate government needed a key Supreme Court decision. The corporate United States government had to have a legal case on the books to set the stage for recognizing, implementing and supporting the bankruptcy. Now. this doesn't mean the bankruptcy wasn't implemented before 1938 with the Erie vs. Thompkins decision. The bankruptcy started in 1930-1931. The bankruptcy definitely started when Roosevelt came into office. He was sworn in during the month of January 1933. He started right away in the bankruptcy with what is known as 'The Banking Holiday," and proceeded in pulling the gold coin out of circulation. That was the
beginning of the corporate United States Public Policy for bankruptcy.. Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 & Executive Order 6260 "Trading With The Enemy Act."


It is a known historical fact that during 1933 and 1937 - 1938, there was a big fight between Roosevelt and the Supreme Court Justices. Roosevelt tried to stack the Supreme court with a bunch of his pals. Roosevelt tried to enlarge the number of justices and he tried to change the slant of the justices. The corporate United States had to have one Supreme Court case which would support their bankruptcy

There was resistance to Roosevelt's court stacking efforts. Some of the justices tried to warn the Americans that Roosevelt was tampering with the law and with the courts. Roosevelt was trying to see to it that prior decisions of the court were overturned. He was trying to bring in a new order, a new procedure for the law of the land.


A bankruptcy case was needed on the books to legitimize the fact that the corporate U.S. had already declared bankruptcy! This bankruptcy was effectuated by compact that the corporate several states had with the corporate government (Corporate Capitol of the several corporate states). This compact tied the corporate several states to corporate Washington D.C, (the headquarters of the corporation called "The United States").

Since the United States Corporation, having established its headquarters within the District of Columbia, declared itself to be in the state of bankruptcy, it automatically declared bankruptcy for all its subsidiaries who were effectively connected corporate members (who happened to be the corporate state governments of the Union). The corporate state governments didn't have to vote on the bankruptcy. The bankruptcy automatically became effective by reason
of the Compact/Agreement between each of the corporate state governments and THE MOTHER CORPORATION. (Note: the liberty of using the term "Mother Corporation" to communicate the interconnected power of the corporate Federal government relative to her associated corporate States has been taken.

It is Historical knowledge that the original Union States created the Federal Government, however, for all practical purposes, the Federal government has taken control of her "Creators", the States.) She has become a beast out of control for power. She has for her trade names the following: "United States", "U.S.", "U.S.A.", "United States of America", Washington D.C., District of Columbia, Feds. and Federal Government. She has her own U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines,
Parks, Post Office etc. etc. etc. Because she is claiming to be bankrupt, she freely gives her land, her personnel, and the money she steals from the Americans via the IRS. and her state corporations, to the International Bankers as payment for her debt. The International Bankers use this money and services for various world wide projects, including war.

War is an extremely lucrative business for the bankers of the New World Order. Loans for destruction. Loans for re-construction. Loans for controlling people in her new world order.


The corporate U.S. then, is the head corporate member, who met at Geneva to decide for all its corporate body members. The corporate representatives of the corporate several states were in attendance. If the states had their own power to declare bankruptcy regardless of whether Washington D.C. declared bankruptcy or not, then the several states would have been represented at Geneva. The several states of America were not represented. Consequently, whatever Washington D.C. agreed to at Geneva was passed on automatically, via compact to the several corporate states as a group, association, corporation or as a
club member; they all agreed and declared bankruptcy as one government corporate group in 1930. The several states only needed a representative at Geneva by way of the U.S. in Washington D.C. The delegates of the corporate United States attended the meetings and spoke for the several corporate states as well as for the Federal Corporate Government. And, presto, BANKRUPTCY was declared for all!

From 1930 to 1938 the states could not enact any law or decide any case that would go against the Federal Government. The case had to come down from the Federal level so that the states could then rely on the Federal decision and use this decision within the states as justification for the bankruptcy process within the states.

Ah, Ha, are you beginning to get the picture?

By 1938 the corporate Federal Government had the true bankruptcy case they had been looking for. Now, the bankruptcy that had been declared back in 1930 could be upheld and administered. That's why the Supreme Court had to be stacked and made corrupt from within. The new players on the Supreme Court fully understood that they had to destroy all other case law that had been established prior to 1938. The Federal Government had to have a case to destroy all precedence, all appearance, and even the statute of law itself. That is, the Statutes
at large had to be perverted. They finally got their case in Erie vs. Thompkins. It was right after that case that the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws listed right in the front of the Uniform Commercial Code, began creating the Uniform Commercial Code that is on the U.S. citizens backs today. Let us quote directly from the preface of the Official Text of the Uniform Commercial Code 12th Edition:

"The Code was originally approved by its sponsors and the American Bar Association in 1952, and was revised in 1958 to incorporate a number of changes that had been recommended by the New York Law Revision Commission and other agencies. Subsequent amendments that were deemed desirable in light of experience under the Code were approved by the Permanent Editorial Board in 1962 and 1966"

The above named groups and associations of private lawyers got together and started working on the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). It was somewhere between 1938 and 1940, I don't recall, but by the early 40's and during the war, this committee was working to form the UCC and getting it ready to go on the market. The UCC is the Law Merchant's code for the administration of the bankruptcy. The UCC is now the law of the land as far as the courts are concerned. This Legal Committee of lawyers put everything: Negotiable Instruments, Security, Sales, Contracts, and the whole mess under the UCC. That's where the "Uniform" word comes from. It means it was uniform from state to state as well as being uniform with the District of Columbia.

It doesn't mean you didn't have the uniform instrument laws on the books before this time. It means the laws were not uniform from state to state. By the middle 1960's, every state had passed the UCC into law. The states had no choice but to adopt newly formed Uniform Commercial Code as the Law of the Land. The states fully understood they had to administrate Bankruptcy. Washington D.C. adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in 1963, just six weeks after President John F. Kennedy was killed.


What was the effect and the significance of Erie vs. Thompkins case decision of 1938? The significance is that since the Erie Decision, no cases are allowed to be cited that are prior to 1938. There can be no mixing of the old law with the new law. The lawyers, who are members of the American Bar Association, were and are currently under and controlled by the Lawyer's guild of Great Britain, created,
formed, and implemented the new bankruptcy law. The American Bar Association is a franchise of the Lawyer's Guild of Great Britain.

Since the Erie vs. Thompkins case was decided, the practice of law in that country was never again to be the same. It has been reported, that every lawyer in existence, and every lawyer coming up has to take a "secret" oath to support bankruptcy. As Officers of the Court they have sworn to uphold the law as it exists, and as they have been taught. In so doing, not only do the lawyers promise to support the bankruptcy, but the lawyers and judges promise never to reveal who
the true creditor/party is in the bankruptcy proceedings (if, indeed, many of them are even aware or know). In court, there is never identification and appearance of the true character and principle of the proceedings. If there is no appearance of the true party to the action, then there is no way the defendant is able to know the TRUE NATURE AND CAUSE OF THE ACTION. You are never told the true NATURE
AND CAUSE OF WHY YOU ARE IN FRONT OF THEIR COURT. The court is forbidden to tell you that information.

That's why, if you question the true nature and cause, the judge will tell you "It's not my job to tell you. You are not retaining me as an attorney and I can't give you legal advice from the bench. I suggest you hire a lawyer."


The problem here is, if you hire a lawyer who is pledged not to reveal the true nature and the cause, how will you ever find out the nature and the cause? YOU WON'T! If the true nature and the cause of the action against you is revealed, it will expose the real creditor from whom this action and cause came. In other words, they will have to name the TRUE creditor. The true creditor will have to state the
nature and the cause. The true creditor will have to say "It's a bankruptcy proceeding." The true creditor will have to say, "I'm the creditor and he's the debtor."

That declaration would open the door for you to question "Who the hell are you? How did you get attached to my back and by what vehicle did I promise to become a debtor to you?" In the U.S., the courts on every level, from the justice of the peace level all the way up...... even into the International law arena, (called the World Court), are administrating the bankruptcy and are pledged not to
reveal who the true creditors really are and how you personally became pledged as a party or participant to the corporate United States debt. What would really kill these people off, would be to compel the International Bankers to send a lawyer into the courtroom and present himself as the attorney for THE TRUE CREDITOR, THE

The International Bankers told these various countries that they were now in a state of bankruptcy. The countries had been taken over by the creditor/bankers. And there was no choice, but for all these participating countries to declare bankruptcy. If they didn't agree to declare bankruptcy, the bankers threatened to collapse the economies and thereby put the countries back into the depression like
the one from which they were just emerging. The bankers made an offer they couldn't refuse. To review and elaborate: In 1930 there was a world wide depression.

The Bankers said, "Look. You can do it either of two ways. The easy way or the hard way." "You just accept the bankruptcy and we'll let you out of the depression. If you don't, you're on your own." So all the countries involved agreed, because they realized that the International bankers had them by the throat. The countries therefore agreed that over a period of several years that they would pass
statutes and legislation for the implementation of the bankruptcy in favor of the international bankers.

Now, it would probably be correct to say that the key bankers were the Rothschild's and their agents by way of Rockefeller, by way of the Federal Reserve Bank. Who the bankers were is immaterial. The fact remains that there was an International bankruptcy, and an International conspiracy to cover it up. There was a banking creditor who made the offer; the countries accepted the offer in order to
enable the representative countries to continue without revolution and to allow the politicians to remain comfortably in place. Under a delusion of solvency the countries were allowed to continue to operate as though they were solvent; while in fact, the representative countries were bankrupt.


The bankruptcy scheme was/is an extremely clever and diabolical plan. How did they possibly pull this scheme off in the area of real estate? The bankers did it with real estate, the same way they did it in the area of Federal Income Taxes. These Foreign bankers simply and deceptively devised ways and means to con you into declaring yourself as a "CITIZEN" or a "RESIDENT" of the corporate U.S. Remember the
corporate United States is Bankrupt per agreement and public policy. After you have been tricked into claiming you are one of their corporate United States Citizens, you are given a social security number which ties you to certain meager "benefits" and "privileges." Then, the bankers con your employer to function as
an unpaid tax collector to con you into filling out their W-4 intangible property gift forms and 1040 voluntary agreements.

These slick paper agreements establish your "voluntary" indebtedness to the banker creditor. If at any time you decide to balk at this scheme because you don't like it, the real creditor never has to make an appearance in court to list the true nature and cause of the action which is being brought against you. You end up dealing with an agency. The agency can conveniently grant itself immunity from prosecution because all it is doing (without your knowledge, of course) is administrating the bankruptcy to which the government agreed to per the Geneva meetings.

The court system never lets you put the original creditor on the courtroom stand, so you can ask him how he got attached to your back. The system is set up in such a way that the true creditor is protected and never has to make an appearance and never has to answer any of your questions or produce documents. Therefore, the true creditor never has to produce the law that gives him the right to pledge you (your body and labor) into indebtedness (bondage/servitude).

Why? Because the Geneva agreement in 1930 was done by treaty. The bankruptcy was not done by legislation. The agreement came first; signed in secrecy, THEN the U.S. Congress began to pass legislation to fulfill the bankruptcy obligation required by the treaty. Legislation being passed by Congress was henceforth and is thereby bankruptcy
legislation. When cases came before the courts, the courts could make decisions based on the new controlling law of bankruptcy. It had nothing to do with Constitutional rights. Now, any case brought in is under the new bankruptcy law and is not considered as a true constitutional case. It is now a bankrupty case as distinct from, but cleverly disguised as a constitutional case.


The members of the Supreme Court, of course, realized what was happening to them and the system of law. The court was being asked to perform in a creditor, debtor bankrupt proceeding to the benefit of the banker creditors. The members of the Supreme Court said, "NO. We will not give you a bankrupt proceeding decision that you can then enforce against everybody; a decision not only effecting corporate Washington D.C. but also having effect within the corporate state

This, by the way, is fraud. It wouldn't be fraud if the government of corporate Washington D.C. and the government of the several corporate states declared bankruptcy then let the people know about the bankruptcy. (Notice: when I say corporate "government" I don't mean the American people. Americans are not the corporate government. The corporate government is the corporate capital of the corporate state. The government is a neutral government zone known as the corporate capital of the corporate state. The government is where the corporate state is. It is corporate headquarters. Just like corporate Washington D.C. is the seat of the corporate Federal Government. The capital of the corporate state is the seat of the corporate state government. If the corporate Federal Government and her subsidiary corporate state governments want to join forces and declarebankruptcy that's not fraud. This is their corporate business.

However, it is fraud when those two corporate entities declare bankruptcy but do not disclose to every American, that they have so declared bankruptcy.

Further, they have not and do not disclose that their intention is to get every American in that country to pledge to pay off their corporate debt to their corporate creditors. The corporate bankruptcy is the corporate state and federal responsibility, not the responsibility of Americans, The People.


"We the People" who created and signed the contract/compact/agreement/charter of, by, and for the Constitutional
Corporation (U.S.) using the trade name of the "United States of
America," is a corporate entity (legal fiction) which is DISTINCT AND
SEPARATE from Americans or the unenfranchised people of America. The
private natural American people did not create the corporation of the
United States. The United States Inc. did not create the private natural American people. America and Americans were in existence prior to the creation of the United States Corporation. The United States Corporation has located its U.S. headquarters in Washington D.C.

Virginia State (state territory) gave land to the newly formed United States Corporation. Notice here, we have a state giving something of value (land) to the United States. The United States Corporation agreed in the Constitutional contract, to protect the States. Instead, because of their bankruptcy (Corporate U.S. Bankruptcy) this particular U.S. corporation has enslaved the States and the people by deception and at the will of their foreign bankers with whom they have been doing business. Their forefathers gave their lives and property to prevent enslavement.

Today, Americans are again enslaved. Private natural American people have been tricked, deceived, and set-up to carry the U.S. Inc. perpetual corporate debt under bankruptcy laws. Every time Americans appear in court, the corporate U.S. bankruptcy is being administrated against them without their knowledge and lawful consent. That is FRAUD.

All corporate bankruptcy administration is done by "Public Policy" of by and for the Mother Corporation (U.S. Inc.).


The corporate bankruptcy is carried out under the corporate public policy of the corporate Federal Government in corporate Washington D.C. The states use state public policy to carry out Federal public policy of Washington D.C. Public policy and only public policy is being administered against Americans in the corporate courts today. The public policy that is dictated by all the courts, from the smallest
to the most powerful courts in the world, is public policy.
Corporate public policy is the crux of the whole bankruptcy implementation. Corporate public policy is forever a Corporate public policy and the laws that have passed since 1938 are all corporate public policy laws dealing only with corporate public policy. Understand that U.S. corporate public policy is not an American public policy. The public policy is OF, ( belonging to) the United States corporation. This U.S. corporate bankruptcy public policy is not OF (belonging to) America, the Republic.

The Erie vs. Thompkins 1938 case was a decision based upon public policy. All decisions at any level since 1938, have been public policy decisions. All statutes, rules, regulations, and procedures that have been passed, whether civil or criminal, whether it is Federal or State, have all been passed to implement the public policy of bankruptcy. Since 1933, when FDR came into office, he brought in
public policy. He established that it was the public policy of the government to call in all the gold. It was the public policy of the government to declare a banking holiday. It was the public policy of the Government in Washington D.C., (the Federal Government) to give out government assistance. Public policy operates the same within the states. All Federal court decisions can only be handed down if the states support Federal public policy. The state legal system must be compatible with the Federal legal system.


This is why, when people go to court without being represented by a lawyer, they throw a monkey-wrench into the corporate administrative proceedings. Why? Because all public policy corporate lawyers are pledged to up-hold public policy, which is the corporate U.S. administration of their corporate bankruptcy. That's why you'll find stamped on many if not all U.S. briefs, "THIS CASE IS NOT TO BE CITED IN ANY OTHER CASE AND IS NOT TO BE REPORTED IN ANY COURTS." The reason for this notation is that when they go in to defend themselves or file a claim they are not supporting the corporate bankruptcy administration and procedure. The arguments they put forth predate 1938.

They come in with Constitutional law etc. All these early cases support their rights not to be in bankruptcy. However, the corporate court, lawyers, and judges have promised to give no judicial recognition of any case before 1938.


Before 1938, the law was not a public policy law. All these old cases
were not public law deciding cases. Today, the cases are all decided
under corporate public policy. The public policy exists in order to
administer the bankruptcy for the benefit of the banker creditors and
to protect the banker creditor.

Corporate public policy can allow the creditor to say to the
corporate legislatures, "I want a law passed requiring my debtors to
wear seat belts. Why? Because I want to be able to milk my debtors
for the longest period possible."

It doesn't behoove the creditor to allow all of his labor producing
debtors die at an average age 30 years. What would happen to the
bankers' lending, interest, penalties, increase, repayment etc., on
the entire funding and lending process if the average American life
span was only 30 years? Why, the bankers would have to have 2 1/2
times the current consumer population to equal their current take.
The bankers would need (instead of 250 million Americans) 600 million
or even more. Maybe the bankers would need 2 Billion Americans
because the individual can't contract for debt until he/she is 18 or
21 years of age. Therefore, if the average life span is only a 30
year period, the creditor could collect on the debt for only 12

Now, if the bankers can just get people to live an average of 70
years) you are talking a whopping 50 years of indebtedness for which
they contract and for which they are forced to pay back with
usury/interest. With this situation, the banker creditor can now
float loans worth 50 years of potential indebtedness and its payoff
with interest in the name of the people, as opposed to 9 to 12 years.

The creditors and their property and their people are well taken care
of. The creditor doesn't want the population to decrease per se,
unless, it is convenient for the debtor to run up debts in another's
name and then liquidate that debtor or that group of debtor people.
For example let's consider the AIDS problem today among the black
people. What better group to inject AIDS into than the black people?

Read the Strecker Memorandum on AIDS and the World Health
Organization connection. This documents their tainted vaccination
program in Africa and elsewhere. Why not kill them off? Don't you
understand that the blacks as a whole have absorbed all the debt that
they can? The blacks have reached the maximum of the debt that they
can carry. In fact, they have gone over their limit to pay back. They
are now heavily into welfare, public housing, medicaid, medicare,
food stamps etc.. Now, the situation is that instead of paying off
the creditor, they have become a drain on the creditor. The creditor
must now pay them to live and take care of them. What creditor in his
right mind wants to spend money on a bunch of people from whom he
can't collect any revenue?

The corporate public policy of the corporate United States and the
states and the county and of the cities are that YOU must take care
of these people. You must provide them with welfare etc. Why? Because
when you, as a member of the corporate body politic allow laws to be
passed which says the minorities must be taken care of, then the
corporate legislature can say the public policy is that the people
want these people taken care of. Therefore, when given the chance,
the legislature can say the public policy is that the people want
these blacks and poor whites to be taken care of and given a chance,
therefore, we must raise taxes to fund all these benefits, privileges
and opportunities.

This is what these people need to make them socially, politically,
and economically equal with everyone else. The legislatures have
passed all kinds of statutes providing for huge indebtedness and they
float the indebtedness off your backs because you have never gone
into court to challenge them by telling them it is not your public
policy to assume the debts of other people. On the contrary, all the
court decisions coming put, indicate it is the corporate public
policy and it is your willingness to support the corporate public
policy to pay off these debts.

Remember, "public" means of and for the corporate Government. It does
not mean of and for private people. "Public" means corporate
government. It is corporate government policy. When they talk about
public debt, they are talking about corporate government debt and
your presumed pledge against this corporate created debt.


How do they work this scheme in the area of real estate? These banker
creeps have made an agreement that it is corporate public policy,
that all land (property) be pledged to the creditor to satisfy the
debt of the bankruptcy, which the creditor claims under bankruptcy.
They get away with this the same way they get away with any other
case that is brought before the court, whether it is a traffic
ticket, IRS, or whatever.

Here is how it works. Americans have signed instruments giving information and jurisdiction to the bankers through their agents. The instruments (forms) they signed include, but are not limited to the following:
social security registration, use of the social security number, IRS
forms, driver license, traffic citation, jury duty, voter
registration, using their address, zip code, U.S. postal service, a
deed, a mortgage application, etc. etc. The bankers then use that
instrument (document) under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as a
contract/agreement. These documents are considered promissory
contract where Americans promise to perform. This scheme involves them,
without ever becoming directly in contact or in contract with the
true creditor. What's more, they are never informed as to whom that
true creditor is and it is never divulged to them the true nature and
the true cause of the paperwork that they are filling out.

If they examine their real estate deed, they will find that they
promised to pay taxes to the corporate government. On property they
originally acquired through a mortgage, they will notice that the bank
never promised to pay taxes. they did. The corporate government at all
levels never promised to pay taxes to the creditor. Americans did.

In tax and collection problems relating to real estate being enforced
against Americans, they will notice that there is no mention in the mortgage or the deed stating the true nature and cause of the action. Since they have made the promise to perform, they get a bill every year for property taxes. They don't realize that the only way they can bill Americans for taxes is through their own stupidity of agreeing to pay the tax. They volunteered. They took advantage of Americans, conning them to promise to pay properly taxes. When they send citizens their bill, they are coming against citizens for the collection of the promise they made to the creditor.

Now the creditor on the paperwork appears that it is the local bank.
The bank has loaned them credit. The bank hasn't loaned them anything.
It is not their credit to loan. This is why the bank can't loan
credit. There is a credit involved, but not the bank's credit. It is
the credit of the International Bankers. The International bankers
are making them the loan based upon their operation of bankruptcy
claim which they presume to have against American citizens personally as well as their property. Now, let's say Americans get a tax bill and they decide "I'm not going to pay it." They will find that the courts and the lawyers and the county agencies are set up to protect the true creditor simply by not identifying the creditor. By not being identified as the true creditor, the international banker can make Americans a credit loan that has no value in reality.

In the case of real property, they claim to loan Americans the use of their own property for which they pay a tax as rent. They are allowed to do this because Americans are presumed by statutory law and the banker to be in bankruptcy. This fraud is not revealed because they do not have to make an appearance in court to present and defend their claim. Their name is not mentioned in the case.

Let's say Americans are not aware of their remedies provided for them within the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC provides or allows Americans to dishonor the county's presentment of the tax bill. They don't pay their
tax bill. They, therefore, just sit on it and don't do or say
anything. A couple of years go by and all of a sudden they are being
sent letters to pay up what is owed or else in a certain period of
time, the property will be taken from them and put up for tax sale.

Now here is what is interesting........ If they don't pay their tax
bill and are contacted, asking them to pay it and they don't do it,
it will be declared that they are in default. It is based on that
default, as provided for in the UCC, that they sell citizens property for the tax (rent).

However, the county never goes into court to put into the record the
identification of the real creditor. And the county does not state
the true nature and cause of the action against Americans (bankruptcy
action disguised as a tax action). Why? Because, under bankruptcy
implementation, they have developed a legal procedure which is based
upon citizens promise to pay. This procedure provides that they don't
have to come to the court to get a court order authorizing the sale
of citizens property. Therefore, the real creditor never makes an
appearance in court.

The reality is, Americans are denied any possibility of appearing in court to exercise their right to challenge the creditor. To ask if he became the creditor under "public policy." To ask if it is under "public policy", just what is the "public policy?" And how did you (as an international banker) become "creditor" to me and everyone else in
this country (American people). They don't want you to ask the real
creditor (the International Bankers), to produce the documents upon
which your personal debt is established. If they were forced to go
into court, they would have to produce the deed or mortgage showing
you knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily promised to pay the
corporate public debt. You did not knowingly, willingly, and
voluntarily promise to pay any U.S. Corporate Bankruptcy obligation
made in the 1930's.

This would, of course, expose their racket. The fact is, that, there
was absolutely no debt connected to Americans until they agreed to it
through their deception and fraud. The deception in a broader sense,
permeates the education system and the news media, etc., to sell Americans on the idea that they are a statutory "U.S. citizen" and "resident of the United States." (INCORPORATED).


Your property is pledged for the rest of your life upon your
signature and your promise to perform is pledged into perpetual debt.
The bankers don't even bother to go to court They leave it up to the
agencies to administer the agency corporate public policy. It is the
public policy of that agency to bill you on your promise to perform.
If you don't pay, they follow up on the public policy on notice of
default and give you one more chance to pay. Then they proceed to
sell the property at a tax auction. They never go to court or appear
in court to back up their claim against you. Did any of your
government licensed and controlled teachers ever stress that your
signature is your most valuable personal property? Did your
government teachers ever tell you that any time you sign any
document, you should sign it "without prejudice," or with "All Rights
Reserved" above your signature. This means you are reserving your God
given unalienable rights which cannot be transferred and all other
rights for which your forefathers died.

The Corporate U.S.. Government provides, or at best pretends to
provide for this reservation of rights under the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC) 1-207 and 1-103. You need more information in this area.
It is not in the best interest of the United States Corporate "PUBLIC" schools to teach you about their bankruptcy proceedings and how they have set the snare to Compel you into paying their debt. The Corporate "PUBLIC" schools are strictly designed for their Corporate citizen/subjects. That is. the Corporate U.S.. Public School citizens.

Notice all the emphases on being a "good" Citizen. Basically all
their teachers and their students are trained to produce labor and
material in exchange for valueless green paper called "money." It is
not money, it functions "AS" money. Lawful money must be backed by
something of value. Bankers take your labor, services, and material
(homes, cars, farms, etc.) in exchange for their valueless corporate
paper. This paper is backed only by the "full faith and Confidence of
the United States Government" THE MOTHER CORPORATION.

I do not have faith or confidence in the U.S. BANKRUPT CORPORATE
CHARTER, enslaving the sovereign American people into their
bankruptcy obligations. Their fraudulent money laundering process
promotes citizens payment on the corporate government's bankruptcy debt. This debt is mathematically impossible to pay Off. Americans and their families are in continual financial bondage to the international
bankers. They love it so!

Black's Law Dictionary 1990, defines "Money Changers"
as: .....business of a banker... today handled by the international
departments of banks." Let me think for a moment, what did Christ do
to the Money Changers." Oh, Yes, he severely interfered with their
activity. Three days later he was crucified. Lincoln was killed for
interfering with the money changers. Kennedy was slaughtered for
interfering with the money changers.

Let's return to the subject of your property, and the tax sale for
not paying property taxes. In this situation under a standard deed
(not common law deed) you are actually in default. Not because you
understand the default or you like being in default, you just are in
default of the tax payment. So they put your property up for sale. At
the tax sale, Joe Doe, average American, bids on your property and
gets it. Now, there is a procedure he must go through step by step to
establish. He is required to give you another chance. You have six
months and a day to pay off the default. If, at this time, you pay
off the amount the county says you owe, plus penalties, interest,
fines, etc., then your property is taken off default status and it is
yours to continue to pay taxes on the next year.


There was a deal struck that, if any person who doesn't have a lawyer
to bring a case before the courts, and this person proves the fraud,
and speaks the truth about the fraud, the courts are compelled to not
allow the case to be cited or published anywhere. The courts cannot
afford to have the case freely available in the public archives. This
would be evidence of the fraud. That is why you can't hire an
attorney. An attorney is compelled to uphold the fraud.

"I'm Here To Help You."
"I Have The Governments Permission To Practice Law."
"I'm A Member of the Bar."

The attorney is there for one reason. That reason is to make sure the
bankruptcy scam (established by the corporate public policy of the
corporate Federal Government) is upheld. The lawyer's will cite no
cases for you that will go against the bankruptcy in corporate public
policy. Whatever the lawyers do for you is a bunch of Bull Shit. The
lawyers have to support the bankruptcy and public policy even at your
expense. The lawyers can't go against the corporate Federal
Government statutes implementing, protecting and administrating the

For all cases cited, those in the US Code or the state annotated code
or any other source, you may be sure that they are only those
selected cases that support the public policy of bankruptcy. The
legal system has to work that way. After the last 30-40-50-60 years
of cases after cases having been decided based upon upholding the
bankruptcy, how could the legal system possibly allow someone to come
into court and put in the record substantial information and argument
to prove the fraud?


Can you imagine how damaging it would be, if they allowed your case
to be cited in another case, or if they allowed the public to examine
a copy of your brief that exposes evidence of the fraud? This
exposure would render null and void everything for which they have
worked so hard. Wouldn't this exposure make the people mad? Wouldn't
this exposure mean there would be blood running in the streets?
Especially the cities where the poor people have been really taken by
this diabolical system. What they are concerned about is that the
case never be cited. That goes against the bankruptcy for fear of
exposing the bankruptcy and the people will then pick up their guns
and shoot the SOB's.


Here is what happens. The American Bar Association is a franchise of
the Lawyers Guild of Great Britain. The American Bar Association is
not connected primarily with what happens in any case on the local
level. However, when a case leaves the local level, by that is meant,
the state court, city court or the justice of the peace, or even the
federal court; and goes to the appeal's court, it would appear that
the American Bar Association takes notice of the case. It would seem
that the American Bar Association must have an agreement that any
action brought on appeal, must be reviewed by the American Bar
Association. If this is true, it would make sense. How else would the
American Bar Association, a branch of the Lawyers Guild of Great
Britain, which is the legal arm of the Rothschild's Dynasty, be able
to monitor and administer the corporate bankruptcy. It would appear
that the American Bar Association would be compelled to review all
appeal cases and to make certain any case brought under common law or
the constitutional law that would expose the bankruptcy, would be
immediately stamped on the back that "this case is not to be cited or
published." I believe that this is the stamp origin and purpose of
the stamp message in such cases. The justice department may be able
to do that in Washington D.C.. I can't see where any judge or lawyer
could have the authority to stamp or label the case as one not to be
cited for future cases. I think that is an official stamp from the
American Bar Association.


Now, Mr/Ms. Law Student, if you're still attending classes and you
have a good professor, ask him/her about just where the stamp comes
from that you've seen on many cases. Just who put it on the paperwork
and just who authorized the citation restriction. Just who is
tampering with the law. There is one thing certain the creditor and
or his agents are watching these cases very carefully. The creditor
and his agents must balance their books. When you think of the IRS,
be aware that the IRS is an agent of the creditor, the corporate
International Bankers. This is just one of the Bankers' state side
agencies. The General Accounting Office (GAO) is another agency they
use for this country.

This is where all the accounting goes on to keep track of the debt.
All the states have to send reports to Washington D.C. Washington
D.C. has to send reports to the (GAO). Take a look at your state
Comptroller's Annual Report to the Governor of your state. I found it
in the library located in the city of the corporate state capital.
Look under "Trust Fund" for each state sub-corporation like the state
courts, IRS, Banks, Education, etc. you will be amazed at the amount
of money being pumped into the Trust Fund from the various Corporate
State Departmental Revenues (all revenue is referred to as taxes:
fines, fees, licenses, etc.). There are millions and billions of your
hard earned worthless federal reserve notes, "dollars", being held
in "trust."This money is being siphoned off into the coffers of the
International Bankers while the corporate government officials are
hounding you for more and more tax dollars.

All this accounting system is NOT so the people will know what is
going on. The accounting reports are for the bankers and creditors to
keep tabs on just where their collections are coming from. The
bankers want to know if the bankruptcy debt payments are coming in
and just how much and from what sources. This accounting is the
purpose behind M1, M2, M3, M4. and M5. All this accounting is closely
monitored. Maybe every day, but at least once a week. These M's are
the reports of the amounts of money in circulation. The amount of
debt out there, and the amount of credit out there. The floating of
debt in the form of bonds. There are five different categories. This
system had to come into existence in order for the creditors to be on
top of the bankruptcy at all times. This system allows the creditors
to figure out and know exactly what is going on in their domain.

It all makes sense. Don't the bankers hire bill collectors? Creditors
hire bill collectors to snoop around do see why you're not paying.
They want do know how much you are going to pay so they can figure
out how much will be coming in. How much they will collect. They want
to know who will pay and who won't.



Here is what is going to very quickly happen internationally. All of
the governments around the world are going to unite. They will create
one big giant credit union for collecting the debt for the
International Bankers. We have allowed ourselves do get into this
very sad situation, but THAT IS THE WAY IT IS.



by William Engdahl

EIR Investigation Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996
The dossier that follows is based upon a report released on Oct. 1 by EIR's bureau in Wiesbaden, Germany, titled "A Profile of Mega-Speculator George Soros." Research was contributed by Mark Burdman, Elisabeth Hellenbroich, Paolo Raimondi, and Scott Thompson.

Time magazine has characterized financier George Soros as a "modern-day Robin Hood," who robs from the rich to give to the poor countries of eastern Europe and Russia.

It claimed that Soros makes huge financial gains by speculating against western central banks, in order to use his profits to help the emerging post-communist economies of Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, to assist them to create what he calls an "Open Society."

The Time statement is entirely accurate in the first part, and entirely inaccurate in the second. He robs from rich western countries, and uses his profits to rob even more savagely from the East, under the cloak of "philanthropy." His goal is to loot wherever and however he can. Soros has been called the master manipulator of "hit-and-run capitalism."

As we shall see, what Soros means by "open," is a society that allows him and his financial predator friends to loot the resources and precious assets of former Warsaw Pact economies. By bringing people like Jeffrey Sachs or Sweden's Anders Aslund and their economic shock therapy into these economies, Soros lays the groundwork for buying up the assets of whole regions of the world at dirt-cheap prices.

The man who broke the Bank of England?

An examination of Soros' secretive financial network is vital to understand the true dimension of the "Soros problem" in Eastern Europe and other nations.

Following the crisis of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism of September 1992, when the Bank of England was forced to abandon efforts to stabilize the pound sterling, a little-known financial figure emerged from the shadows, to boast that he had personally made over $1 billion in speculation against the British pound. The speculator was the Hungarian-born George Soros, who spent the war in Hungary under false papers working for the Nazi government, identifying and expropriating the property of wealthy fellow Jews. Soros left Hungary after the war, and established American citizenship after some years in London. Today, Soros is based in New York, but that tells little, if anything, of who and what he is.

Following his impressive claims to possession of a "Midas touch," Soros has let his name be publicly used in a blatant attempt to influence world financial markets---an out-of-character act for most financial investors, who prefer to take advantage of situations not yet discovered by rivals, and keep them secret. Soros the financier is as much a political animal, as a financial speculator.

Soros proclaimed in March 1993, with great publicity, that the price of gold was about to rise sharply; he said that he had just gotten "inside information" that China was about to buy huge sums of gold for its booming economy. Soros was able to trigger a rush into buying gold, which caused prices to rise more than 20% over four months, to the highest level since 1991. Typically for Soros, once the fools rushed in to push prices higher, Soros and his friend Sir James Goldsmith secretly began selling their gold at a huge profit.

Then, in early June 1993, Soros proclaimed his intent to force a sell-off in German government bonds in favor of the French, in an open letter to London Times Financial Editor Anatole Kaletsky, in which Soros proclaimed, "Down with the D-Mark!" Soros has at various times attacked the currencies of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Mexico, coming into newly opened financial markets which have little experience with foreign investors, let alone ones with large funds like Soros. Soros begins buying stocks or bonds in the local market, leading others to naively suppose that he knows something they do not. As with gold, when the smaller investors begin to follow Soros, driving prices of stocks or whatever higher, Soros begins to sell to the eager new buyers, cashing in his 40% or 100% profits, then exiting the market, and often, the entire country, to seek another target for his speculation. This technique gave rise to the term "hit and run."

What Soros always leaves behind, is a collapsed local market and financial ruin of national investors.

The secret of the Quantum Fund NV

Soros is the visible side of a vast and nasty secret network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe, centered in the British House of Windsor. This network, called by its members the Club of Isles, was built upon the wreckage of the British Empire after World War II.

Rather than use the powers of the state to achieve their geopolitical goals, a secret cross-linked holding of private financial interests, tied to the old aristocratic oligarchy of western Europe, was developed. It was in many ways modeled on the 17th-century British and Dutch East India Companies. The heart of this Club of the Isles is the financial center of the old British Empire, the City of London. Soros is one of what in medieval days were called Hofjuden, the "Court Jews," who were deployed by the aristocratic families.

The most important of such "Jews who are not Jews," are the Rothschilds, who launched Soros's career. They are members of the Club of the Isles and retainers of the British royal family. This has been true since Amschel Rothschild sold the British Hessian troops to fight against George Washington during the American Revolution.

Soros is American only in his passport. He is a global financial operator, who happens to be in New York, simply because "that's where the money is," as the bank robber Willy Sutton once quipped, when asked why he always robbed banks. Soros speculates in world financial markets through his offshore company, Quantum Fund NV, a private investment fund, or "hedge fund." His hedge fund reportedly manages some $11-14 billion of funds on behalf of its clients, or investors---one of the most prominent of whom is, according to Soros, Britain's Queen Elizabeth, the wealthiest person in Europe.

The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles, in the Caribbean. This is to avoid paying taxes, as well as to hide the true nature of his investors and what he does with their money.

In order to avoid U.S. government supervision of his financial activities, something normal U.S.-based investment funds must by law agree to in order to operate, Soros moved his legal headquarters to the Caribbean tax haven of Curacao. The Netherlands Antilles has repeatedly been cited by the Task Force on Money Laundering of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as one of the world's most important centers for laundering illegal proceeds of the Latin American cocaine and other drug traffic. It is a possession of the Netherlands.

Soros has taken care that none of the 99 individual investors who participate in his various funds are American nationals. By U.S. securities law, a hedge fund is limited to no more than 99 highly wealthy individuals, so-called "sophisticated investors." By structuring his investment company as an offshore hedge fund, Soros avoids public scrutiny.

Soros himself is not even on the board of Quantum Fund. Instead, for legal reasons, he serves the Quantum Fund as official "investment adviser," through another company, Soros Fund Management, of New York City. If any demand were to be made of Soros to reveal the details of Quantum Fund's operations, he is able to claim he is "merely its investment adviser." Any competent police investigator looking at the complex legal structure of Soros's businesses would conclude that there is prima facie evidence of either vast money laundering of illicit funds, or massive illegal tax evasion. Both may be true.

To make it impossible for U.S. tax authorities or other officials to look into the financial dealings of his web of businesses, the board of directors of Quantum Fund NV also includes no American citizens. His directors are Swiss, Italian, and British financiers.

George Soros is part of a tightly knit financial mafia---"mafia," in the sense of a closed masonic-like fraternity of families pursuing common aims. Anyone who dares to criticize Soros or any of his associates, is immediately hit with the charge of being "anti-Semitic"----a criticism which often silences or intimidates genuine critics of Soros's unscrupulous operations. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith considers it a top priority to "protect" Soros from the charges of "anti-Semites" in Hungary and elsewhere in Central Europe, according to ADL National Director Abraham Foxman. The ADL's record of service to the British oligarchy has been amply documented by EIR (e.g. The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League [Washington, D.C., Executive Intelligence Review: 1992]).

According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros's circle includes indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv; secretive Israeli arms and commodity dealer Shaul Eisenberg, and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad; and, the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild.

Understandably, Soros and the Rothschild interests prefer to keep their connection hidden far from public view, so as to obscure the well-connected friends Soros enjoys in the City of London, the British Foreign Office, Israel, and the U.S. financial establishment. The myth, therefore, has been created, that Soros is a lone financial investment "genius" who, through his sheer personal brilliance in detecting shifts in markets, has become one of the world's most successful speculators. According to those who have done business with him, Soros never makes a major investment move without sensitive insider information.

On the board of directors of Soros's Quantum Fund N.V. is Richard Katz, a Rothschild man who is also on the board of the London N.M. Rothschild and Sons merchant bank, and the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. of Milan. Another Rothschild family link to Soros's Quantum Fund is Quantum board member Nils O. Taube, the partner of the London investment group St. James Place Capital, whose major partner is Lord Rothschild. London Times columnist Lord William Rees-Mogg is also on the board of Rothschild's St. James Place Capital.

A frequent business partner of Soros in various speculative deals, including in the 1993 gold manipulation, although not on the Quantum Fund directly, is the Anglo-French speculator Sir James Goldsmith, a cousin of the Rothschild family.

From the very first days when Soros created his own investment fund in 1969, he owed his success to his relation to the Rothschild family banking network. Soros worked in New York in the 1960s for a small private bank close to the Rothschilds, Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder, Inc., a banking family which represented Rothschild interests in Germany during Bismarck's time. To this day, A. & S. Bleichroeder, Inc. remains the Principal Custodian, along with Citibank, of funds of Soros's Quantum Fund. George C. Karlweiss, of Edmond de Rothschild's Switzerland-based Banque Privee SA in Lugano, as well as of the scandal-tainted Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, gave Soros financial backing. Karlweiss provided some of the vital initial capital and investors for Soros's Quantum Fund.

Union Banque Privee and the 'Swiss connection'

Another member of the board of Soros's Quantum Fund is the head of one of the most controversial Swiss private banks, Edgar de Picciotto, who has been called "one of the cleverest bankers in Geneva"---and is one of the most scandal-tainted. De Picciotto, from an old Portuguese Jewish trading family, who was born in Lebanon, is head of the Geneva private bank CBI-TDB Union Bancaire Privee, a major player in the gold and offshore hedge funds business. Hedge funds have been identified by international police agencies as the fastest-growing outlet for illegal money laundering today.

De Picciotto is a longtime friend and business associate of banker Edmond Safra, also born in Lebanon, whose family came from Aleppo, Syria, and who now controls the Republic Bank of New York. Republic Bank has been identified in U.S. investigations into Russian organized crime, as the bank involved in transferring billions of U.S. Federal Reserve notes from New York to organized crime-controlled Moscow banks, on behalf of Russian organized crime figures. Safra is under investigation by U.S. and Swiss authorities for laundering Turkish and Columbian drug money.

In 1990, Safra's Trade Development Bank (TDB) of Geneva was merged with de Picciotto's CBI to create the CBI-TDB Union Banque Privee. The details of the merger are shrouded in secrecy to this day. As part of the deal, de Picciotto became a board member of American Express Bank (Switzerland) SA of Geneva, and two American Express Bank of New York executives sit on the board of de Picciotto's Union Banque Privee. Safra had sold his Trade Development Bank to American Express, Inc. in the 1980s. Henry Kissinger sits on the board of American Express, Inc., which has repeatedly been implicated in international money-laundering scandals.

De Picciotto's start as a Geneva banker came from Nicholas Baring of the London Barings Bank, who tapped de Picciotto to run the bank's secret Swiss bank business. Barings has for centuries been private banker to the British royal family, and since the bank's collapse in March 1995, has been overhauled by the Dutch ING Bank, which is reported to be a major money-laundering institution.

De Picciotto is also a longtime business partner of Venetian businessman Carlo De Benedetti, who recently was forced to resign as head of Olivetti Corp. Both persons sit on the board of the Societe Financiere de Geneve investment holding company in Geneva. De Benedetti is under investigation in Italy for suspicion of triggering the collapse of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano in the early 1980s. The head of that bank, Roberto Calvi, was later found hanging from the London Blackfriar's Bridge, in what police believe was a masonic ritual murder.

De Picciotto and his Union Banque Privee have been implicated in numerous drug and illegal money-laundering operations. In November 1994, U.S. federal agents arrested a senior official of de Picciotto's Geneva bank, Jean-Jacques Handali, along with two other UBP officials, on charges of leading a multimillion-dollar drug-money-laundering ring. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami, Handali and Union Banque Privee were the "Swiss connection" in an international drug-money-laundering ring tied to Colombian and Turkish cocaine and heroin organizations. A close business and political associate of de Picciotto is a mysterious arm dealer, Helmut Raiser, who is linked in business dealings with reputed Russian organized crime kingpin Grigori Luchansky, who controls the Russian and Swiss holding company Nordex Group.

Another director of Soros's Quantum Fund is Isodoro Albertini, owner of the Milan stock brokerage firm Albertini and Co. Beat Notz of the Geneva Banque Worms is another private banker on the board of Soros's Quantum Fund, as is Alberto Foglia, who is chief of the Lugano, Switzerland Banca del Ceresio. Lugano, just across the Swiss border from Milan, is notorious as the financial secret bank haven for Italian organized crime families, including the heroin mafia behind the 1980s "Pizza Connection" case. The Banca del Ceresio has been one of the secret Swiss banks identified in the recent Italian political corruption scandals as the repository of bribe funds of several Italian politicians now in prison.

The sponsorship of the Rothschilds

Soros's relation to the Rothschild finance circle represents no ordinary or casual banking connection. It goes a long way to explain the extraordinary success of a mere private speculator, and Soros's uncanny ability to "gamble right" so many times in such high-risk markets. Soros has access to the "insider track" in some of the most important government and private channels in the world.

Since World War II, the Rothschild family, at the heart of the financial apparatus of the Club of the Isles, has gone to great lengths to create a public myth about its own insignificance. The family has spent significant sums cultivating a public image as a family of wealthy, but quiet, "gentlemen," some of whom prefer to cultivate fine French wines, some of whom are devoted to charity.

Since British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote his famous November 1917 letter to Lord Rothschild, expressing official British government backing for establishment of a Palestinian national home for the Jewish people, the Rothschilds were intimately involved in the creation of Israel. But behind their public facade of a family donating money for projects such as planting trees in the deserts of Israel, N.M. Rothschild of London is at the center of various intelligence operations, and more than once has been linked to the more unsavory elements of international organized crime. The family prefers to keep such links at arm's length, and away from its London headquarters, via its lesser-known outposts such as their Zurich Rothschild Bank AG and Rothschild Italia of Milan, the bank of Soros partner Richard Katz.

N.M. Rothschild is considered by City of London sources to be one of the most influential parts of the British intelligence establishment, tied to the Thatcher "free market" wing of the Tory Party. Rothschild and Sons made huge sums managing for Thatcher the privatization of billions of dollars of British state industry holdings during the 1980s, and later, for John Major's government. Rothschilds is also at the very heart of the world gold trade, being the bank at which twice daily the London Gold Fix is struck by a group of the five most influential gold trade banks. Gold constitutes a major part of the economy of drug dealings globally.

N.M. Rothschild and Sons is also implicated in some of the filthiest drugs-for-weapons secret intelligence operations. Because it is connected to the highest levels of the British intelligence establishment, Rothschilds managed to evade any prominent mention of its complicity in one of the more sordid black covert intelligence networks, that of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Rothschilds was at the center of the international web of money-laundering banks used during the 1970s and 1980s by Britain's MI-6 and the networks of Col. Oliver North and George Bush, to finance such projects as the Nicaraguan Contras.

On June 8, 1993 the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Banking, Rep. Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.), made a speech charging that the U.S. government, under the previous Bush and Reagan administrations, had systematically refused to prosecute the BCCI, and that the Department of Justice had repeatedly refused to cooperate with Congressional investigations of both the BCCI scandal and what Gonzalez claims is the closely related scandal of the Atlanta, Georgia Banca Nationale del Lavoro, which was alleged to have secured billions in loans from the Bush administration to Saddam Hussein, just prior to the Gulf War of 1990-91.

Gonzalez charged that the Bush administration had "a Justice Department that I say, and I repeat, has been the most corrupt, most unbelievably corrupt justice system that I have seen in the 32 years I have been in the Congress."

The BCCI violated countless laws, including laundering drug money, financing illegal arms traffic, and falsifying bank records. In July 1991, New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau announced a grand jury indictment against BCCI, charging it with having committed "the largest bank fraud in world financial history. BCCI operated as a corrupt criminal organization throughout its entire 19-year history."

The BCCI had links directly into the Bush White House. Saudi Sheik Kamal Adham, a BCCI director and former head of Saudi Arabian intelligence when George Bush was head of the CIA, was one of the BCCI shareholders indicted in the United States. Days after his indictment, former top Bush White House aide Edward Rogers went to Saudi Arabia as a private citizen to sign a contract to represent Sheikh Adham in the United States.

Tillbaka till huvudsidan




Transcript of Interview of Greg Palast, Journalist for BBC and Observer, London, by Alex Jones

Alex Jones Radio Show, Monday (PM), March 4, 2002

Alex Jones: This is earth shattering. Can you break it down for us and tell us what the economists have done?

Greg Palast:: Well, I'll tell you two things. One, I spoke to the former chief economist, Joe Stiglitz who was fired by the (World) Bank. So I, on BBC and with Guardian, basically spent some time debriefing him. It was like one of the scenes out of Mission Impossible, you know where the guy comes over from the other side and you spend hours debriefing him. So I got the insight of what was happening at the World Bank. In addition, he did not brief me but I got some other sources. He would not give me inside documents but other people handed me a giant stash of secret documents from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Alex Jones: So to insulate himself, somebody else did it.

Greg Palast:: No, I'm telling you. He wouldn't touch it but I really did get from completely independent sources a big stack of documents.

Alex Jones: Just like you got W199I, from the same folks we got it from.

Greg Palast:: And so one of the things that is happening is that, in fact, I was supposed to be on CNN with the head of the World Bank Jim Wolfensen and he said he would not appear on CNN ever if they put me on. And so CNN did the craziest thing and pulled me off.

Alex Jones: So now they are threatening total boycott.

Greg Palast:: Yea right. So what we found was this. We found inside these documents that basically they required nations to sign secret agreements, in which they agreed to sell off their key assets, in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really devastating to the nations involved and if they didn't agree to these steps, there was an average for each nation that signed one-hundred and eleven items that they are required to sign on to. If they didn't follow those steps they would be cut-off from all international borrowing. You can't borrow any money in the international marketplace. No one can survive without borrowing, whether you are people or corporations or countries - without borrowing some money and having some credit and ...

Alex Jones: Because of the debt inflation pit they've created.

Greg Palast:: Yea, well, see one of the things that happened is that - we've got examples from, I've got inside documents recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I've got the documents, but they have not challenged the authenticity of the documents. First, they did. First they said those documents don't exist. I actually showed them on television. And cite some on the web, I actually have copies of some...

Alex Jones: Greg Palast dot com?

Greg Palast:: Yea, http://www.gregpalast.com. So then they backed off and said yea those documents are authentic but we are not going to discuss them with you and we are going to keep you off the air anyway. So, that's that. But what they were saying is look, you take a country like Argentina, which is, you know, in flames now. And it has had five presidents in five weeks because their economy is completely destroyed.

Alex Jones: Isn't it six now?

Greg Palast:: Yea, it's like the weekly president because they can't hold the nation together. And this happened because they started out in the end of the 80s with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all their assets, public assets. I mean, things we wouldn't think of doing in the US, like selling off their water system.

Alex Jones: So they tax the people. They create big government and big government hands it off to the private IMF/World Bank. And when we get back, I want to get to the four-parts that you elegantly lay out here where they actually pay off the politicians billions to their Swiss bank accounts to do this transfer.

Greg Palast:: That's right.

Alex Jones: This is like one of the biggest stories ever, Sir. I'm sorry, please continue.

Greg Palast:: So what's happening is - this is just one of them. And by the way, it's not just anyone who gets a piece of the action. The water system of Buenos Aires was sold off for a song to a company called Enron. A pipeline was sold off, that runs between Argentina and Chile, was sold off to a company called Enron.

Alex Jones: And then the globalists blow out the Enron after transferring the assets to another dummy corporation and then they just roll the theft items off.

Greg Palast:: You've got it. And by the way, you know why they moved the pipeline to Enron is that they got a call from somebody named George W. Bush in 1988.

Alex Jones: Unbelievable, Sir. Stay right there. We are talking to Greg Palast. BREAK

Alex Jones: We are talking to Greg Palast. He is an award-winning journalist, an American who has worked for the BBC, London Guardian, you name it, who has dropped just a massive bomb-shell on the Globalists and their criminal activity. There is no other word for it. You link through at http://www.inforwars.com, you can link to his web site - httP;//www.gregpalast.com, or any of the other great reports he has been putting out. He now has the secret documents. We have seen the activity of the IMF/World Bank for years. They come in, pay off politicians to transfer the water systems, the railways, the telephone companies, the nationalized oil companies, gas stations - they then hand it over to them for nothing. The Globalists pay them off individually, billions a piece in Swiss bank accounts. And the plan is total slavery for the entire population. Of course, Enron, as we told you was a dummy corporation for money laundering, drug money, you name it, from the other reporters we have had on. It's just incredibly massive and hard to believe. But it is actually happening. Greg Palast has now broken the story world-wide. He has actually interviewed the former top World Bank economist. Continuing Sir with all these points. I mean for the average person out there, in a nutshell, what is the system you are exposing?

Greg Palast:: We are exposing that they are systematically tearing nations apart, whether it's Ecuador or Argentina. The problem is some of these bad ideas are drifting back into the U.S. In other words, they have run out of places to bleed. And the problem is, this is the chief economist, this is not some minor guy. By the way, a couple of months ago, after he was fired, he was given the Nobel Prize in Economics. So he is no fool. He told me, he went into countries where they were talking about privatizing and selling off these assets. And basically, they knew, they literally knew and turned the other way when it was understood that leaders of these countries and the chief ministers would salt away hundreds of millions of dollars.

Alex Jones: But it's not even privatization. They just steal it from the people and hand it over to the IMF/World Bank.

Greg Palast:: They hand it over, generally to the cronies, like Citibank was very big and grabbed half the Argentine banks. You've got British Petroleum grabbing pipelines in Ecuador. I mentioned Enron grabbing water systems all over the place. And the problem is that they are destroying these systems as well. You can't even get drinking water in Buenos Aires. I mean it is not just a question of the theft. You can't turn on the tap. It is more than someone getting rich at the public expense.

Alex Jones: And the IMF just got handed the Great Lakes. They have the sole control over the water supply now. That's been in the Chicago Tribune.

Greg Palast:: Well the problem that we have is - look, the IMF and the World Bank is 51% owned by the United States Treasury. So the question becomes, what are we getting for the money that we put into there? And it looks like we are getting mayhem in several nations. Indonesia is in flames. He was telling me, the Chief Economist, Stiglitz, was telling me that he started questioning what was happening. You know, everywhere we go, every country we end up meddling in, we destroy their economy and they end up in flames. And he was saying that he questioned this and he got fired for it. But he was saying that they even kind of plan in the riots. They know that when they squeeze a country and destroy its economy, you are going to get riots in the streets. And they say, well that's the IMF riot. In other words, because you have riot, you lose. All the capital runs away from your country and that gives the opportunity for the IMF to then add more conditions.

Alex Jones: And that makes them even more desperate. So it is really an imperial economy war to implode countries and now they are doing it here with Enron. They are getting so greedy - they are preparing it for this country.

Greg Palast:: I've just been talking to, out in California just yesterday, from here in Paris, the chief investigators of Enron for the State of California. They are telling me some of the games these guys are playing. No one is watching that. It's not just the stockholders that got ripped off. They sucked millions, billions of dollars out of the public pocket in Texas and California in particular.

Alex Jones: Where are the assets? See, everybody says there are no assets left since Enron was a dummy corporation - from the experts I've had on and they transferred all those assets to other corporations and banks.

Greg Palast:: Well yea, this stuff has really gone just like a three-card Monty game. I mean remember that there is money at the bottom. You did pay California's electric bills according to the investigations, they are telling me that they were pumped up unnecessarily by 9 to 12-billion dollars. And I don't know who they are going to get it back from now.

Alex Jones: Well they actually caught the Governor buying it for $137 per megawatt and selling it back to Enron for $1 per megawatt and doing it over and over and over again.

Greg Palast:: Yea, the system has gotten completely out of control and these guys knew exactly what was happening. Well, you have to understand that some of the guys who designed the system in California for deregulation then went to work for Enron right after. In fact, here I'm in London right now and we have, the British has some responsibility here. The guy who was on the audit committee of Enron, Lord Wakeham. And this guy is a real piece of work, there isn't a conflict of interest that he hasn't been involved in.

Alex Jones: And he is the head of NM Rothschild.

Greg Palast:: There isn't anything that he doesn't have his fingers in. He's on something like fifty Boards. And one of the problems, he was supposed to be head of the audit committee watching how Enron kept the books. And in fact, they were paying him consulting fees on the side. He was in Margaret Thatcher's government and he's the one who authorized Enron to come into Britain and take over power plants here in Britain. And they owned a water system in the middle of England. This is what this guy approved and then they gave him a job on the board. And on top of being on the board, they gave him a huge consulting contract. So you know, this guy was supposed to be in charge of the audit committee to see how they were handling their accounts.

Alex Jones: Well, he is also the head of the board to regulate the media.

Greg Palast:: Yes, he is, because I have run into real problems, because he regulates me.

Alex Jones: They are also trying to pass laws in England where you've got an 800-year old well, or in some cases a 2000-year old well that the Romans built that's on your property and they say we are putting a meter on it. You can't have your own water.

Greg Palast:: Yea, and that's Lord Wakeham. I mean this is the guy from Enron. He is a real piece of work. He can't be touched here because like I say he actually regulates the media. So if you complain, he's got his hand on your pen.

Alex Jones: Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. Go through these four points. I mean you've got the documents. The IMF/World Bank implosion, four points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the people.

Greg Palast:: Right. First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks. Then you go to what's called market-based pricing. That's the stuff like in California where everything is free market and you end up with water bills - we can't even imagine selling off water companies in the United States of America. But imagine if a private company like Enron owned your water. So then the prices go through the roof. Then open up your borders to trade - complete free marketeering. And Stiglitz who was the chief economist, remember he was running this system, he was their numbers man and he was saying it was like the opium wars. He said this isn't free trade; this is coercion trade. This is war. They are taking apart economies through this.

Alex Jones: Well look, China has a 40% tariff on us, we have a 2% on them. That's not free and fair trade. It's to force all industry to a country that the globalists fully control.

Greg Palast:: Well, you know Walmart - I did a story, in fact, if you read my book. Let me just mention that I've got a book out, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" about how, unfortunately, America has been put up for sale. "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is coming out this week. But I have a story in there about how Walmart has 700 plants in China. There is almost nothing in a Walmart store that comes from the United States of America, despite all the eagles on the wall.

Alex Jones: Exactly, like 1984, then they have big flags saying "Buy American" and there's hardly anything --- it's Orwellian double-think.

Greg Palast:: What's even worst is they will hire a factory and right next to it will be the sister factory which is inside a prison. You can imagine the conditions of these workers producing this lovely stuff for Walmart. It's really....

Alex Jones: And if an elitist needs a liver, they just call.

Greg Palast:: (Laughs) I know, it's grim. In fact, I talked to a guy, Harry Wu, is his name and, in fact, he broke into, he's been in Chinese prison for 19 years. No one believed his horrible stories. He actually broke back into prison, took a camera with him and took pictures of the conditions and said this is the conditions of factories where Walmart is getting its stuff made at, it's all....

Alex Jones: I was threatened to be thrown off TV here in Austin when I aired video of little girls 4-years old chained down, skinnier than Jews in concentration camps, to die. And I was threatened, if you ever air that again, you will be arrested.

Greg Palast:: Well you know, it is horrifying stuff that, unfortunately, I have been handed and Stiglitz, was very courageous for him to come out and make these statements. Like I said, he didn't provide me the documents. The documents really sealed it because it said this is what really happened. They really do say sign on the dotted line agreeing to 111 conditions for each nation. And the public has no say; they don't know what the hell is happening to them. All they know....

Alex Jones: Go back into privatization. Go through these four points. That's the key. It sends billions to politicians to hand everything over.

Greg Palast:: Yea, he called it briberization, which is you sell off the water company and that's worth, over ten years, let's say that that's worth about 5 billion bucks, ten percent of that is 500 million, you can figure out how it works. I actually spoke to a Senator from Argentina two weeks ago. I got him on camera. He said that after he got a call from George W. Bush in 1988 saying give the gas pipeline in Argentina to Enron, that's our current president. He said that what he found was really creepy was that Enron was going to pay one-fifth of the world's price for their gas and he said how can you make such an offer? And he was told, not by George W. but by a partner in the deal, well if we only pay one-fifth that leaves quit a little bit for you to go in your Swiss bank account. And that's how it's done.

Alex Jones: This is the ....

Greg Palast:: I've got the film. This guy is very conservative. He knows the Bush family very well. And he was public works administrator in Argentina and he said, yea, I got this call. I asked him, I said, from George W. Bush. He said, yea, November 1988, the guy called him up and said give a pipeline to Enron. Now this is the same George W. Bush who said he didn't get to know Ken Lay until 1994. So, you know.....

Alex Jones: So now they are having these white-wash hearings. You know I was at Enron yesterday in Houston because I'm now here in Austin. We were like 30-feet from the door, right on the sidewalk and I have it on video - goons came up and said you can't videotape. I said go ahead and have me arrested. I mean I'm talking on the sidewalk, Greg.

Greg Palast:: Well, you know, I was there in May, telling people in Britain you've never heard of Enron, but ... And these are the guys who have figured out how to (garbled) this government. In fact, we saw some interesting documents, a month before Bush took office, Bill Clinton, I think to get even with Bush's big donor, cut Enron out of the California power market. He put a cap on the prices they could charge. They couldn't charge more than one-hundred times the normal price for electricity. That upset Enron. So Ken Lay personally wrote a note to Dick Cheney saying get rid of Clinton's cap on prices. Within 48 hours of George W. Bush taking office, his energy department reversed the clamps on Enron. OK, how much is that worth for those guys. You know that has got to be worth, that paid off in a week all the donations.

Alex Jones: Listen at the bombs you are dropping. You are interviewing these ministers, former head of IMF/World Bank economist - all of this, you've got the documents, paying people's Swiss Bank accounts, all this happening. Then you've got Part 2, what do they do after they start imploding?

Greg Palast:: Well, then they tell you to start cutting your budgets. A fifth of the population of Argentina is unemployed, and they said cut the unemployment benefits drastically, take away pension funds, cut the education budgets, I mean horrible things. Now if you cut the economy in the middle of a recession that was created by these guys, you are really going to absolutely demolish this nation. After we were attacked on September 11, Bush ran out and said we got to spend $50 to $100 billion dollars to save our economy. We don't start cutting the budget, you start trying to save this economy. But they tell these countries you've got to cut, and cut, and cut. And why, according to the inside documents, it's so you can make payments to foreign banks - the foreign banks are collecting 21% to 70% interest. This is loan-sharking. If fact, it was so bad that they required Argentina to get rid of the laws against loan-sharking. because any bank would be a loan-shark under Argentine law.

Alex Jones: But Greg, you said it yourself and the documents show it. They first implode the economy to create that atmosphere. They institute the entire climate that does this.

Greg Palast:: Yea, and then they say, well gee, we can't lend you any money except at these loan-shark rates. We don't allow people to charge 75% interest in the United States. That's loan-sharking.

Alex Jones: Part 3 and Part 4. What do they do after they do that?

Greg Palast:: Like I said, you open up the borders for trade, that's the new opium wars. And once you have destroyed an economy that can't produce anything, one of the terrible things is that they are forcing nations to pay horrendous amounts for things like drugs - legal drugs. And by the way, that's how you end up with an illegal drug trade, what's there left to survive on except sell us smack and crack and that's how...

Alex Jones: And the same CIA national security dictatorship has been caught shipping that in.

Greg Palast:: You know, we are just helping our allies.

Alex Jones: This is just amazing. And so, drive the whole world down, blow out their economies and then buy the rest of it up for pennies on the dollar. What's Part 4 of the IMF/World Bank Plan?

Greg Palast:: Well, in Part 4, you end up again with the taking apart of the government. And by the way, the real Part 4 is the coup d'etat. That's what they are not telling you. And I'm just finding that out in Venezuela. I just got a call from the President of Venezuela.

Alex Jones: And they install their own corporate government.

Greg Palast:: What they said was here you've got an elected president of the government and the IMF has announced, listen to this, that they would support a transition government if the president were removed. They are not saying that they are going to get involved in politics - they would just support a transition government. What that effectively is is saying we will pay for the coup d'etat, if the military overthrows the current president, because the current president of Venezuela has said no to the IMF. He told those guys to go packing. They brought their teams in and said you have to do this and that. And he said, I don't have to do nothing. He said what I'm going to do is, I'm going to double the taxes on oil corporations because we have a whole lot of oil in Venezuela. And I'm going to double the taxes on oil corporations and then I will have all the money I need for social programs and the government - and we will be a very rich nation. Well, as soon as they did that, they started fomenting trouble with the military and I'm telling you watch this space: the President of Venezuela will be out of office in three months or shot dead. They are not going to allow him to raise taxes on the oil companies. [The Venezuelan military, with the support of the U.S. government attempted a failed Coup d’Etat against Chavez, the elected president of Venezuela in April 2000]

Alex Jones: Greg Palast, here is the problem. You said it when you first came out of the gates. They are getting hungry, they are doing it to the United States now. Enron, from all the evidence that I've seen was a front, another shill, they would steal assets and then transfer it to other older global companies, then they blew that out and stole the pension funds. Now they are telling us that terrorism is coming any day. It's going to happen if you don't give your rights up. Bush did not involve Congress and the others who are supposed to be in the accession if there is a nuclear attack in the secret government, Washington Post -"Congress Not Advised of Shadow Government." We have the Speaker of the House not being told. This looks like coup d'etat here. I'm going to come right out with it. We had better spread the word on this now or these greedy creatures are going to go all the way.

Greg Palast:: I'm very sad about one thing. I report this story in the main stream press of Britian. I'm on the BBC despite Lord Wakeham. I know he doesn't like me there. I'm in the BBC, I'm in the main daily paper, which is the equivalent of the New York Times or whatever, and we do get the information out. And I'm just very sorry that we have to have an alternative press, an alternative radio network and everything else to get out the information that makes any sense. I mean this information should be available to every American. I mean, after all, it's our government.

... And who was CLINTON'S biggest campaign contributor? ... RIGHT!

... WALLMART, headquarted in ARKANSAS. ...

... So, we got a bunch of bad actors playing "Good Cop. Bad Cop" squeezing the life out of all of us in the "middle." ...

As Robert Pelletier used to say: "There is MORE reason for a Revolution NOW than there was in 1776!"